Afro Samurai Game Cheats Xbox 360

System: X360, PS3Review Rating Legend
Dev: Surge1.0 - 1.9 = Avoid4.0 - 4.4 = Great
Pub: Namco Bandai2.0 - 2.4 = Poor4.5 - 4.9 = Must Buy
Release: Jan. 27, 20092.5 - 2.9 = Average5.0 = The Best
Players: 13.0 - 3.4 = Fair
ESRB Rating: Mature3.5 - 3.9 = Good

After a busy week of work, playing through Killzone 2, and getting ready for the Super Bowl, I found it difficult to find time to play Afro Samurai - a game that has a Metacritic press average of 60/100. When I finally did get down to business, I found myself pleasantly surprised by the game. It seems my peers have jumped on a bandwagon, claiming the game to be nearly unplayable due to extensive gameplay foibles and an incoherent story. I found no such difficulty playing or understanding the game, and I thoroughly enjoyed the short experience.

Afro Samurai for Xbox 360 cheats - Cheating Dome has all the latest cheat codes, unlocks, hints and game secrets you need. presents the Xbox 360 demo of Afro Samurai. For more information about Afro Samurai, visit

For those unfamiliar with Afro Samurai's story, the protagonist is a badass black man who's one-part Sheriff Bart, one-part Shaft, and a whole lot of Bruce Lee. Afro was brought up in a dojo after his father was murdered by an assassin. Afro not only seeks revenge for his father, but also wants to recover his headband and take his rightful place as the baddest mofo… Sho 'Nuff!

Admittedly, Afro Samurai is not particularly innovative in terms of gameplay. In fact, the devs seem to have borrowed heavily from such titles as God of War, Ninja Gaiden, No More Heroes, and Devil May Cry. In other words, players will take advantage of extensive attack combos, turning their opponents into a quivering, bloody mess. However, borrowing proven mechanics is not always a bad thing. Last time I checked, those other games have been hailed as utter masterpieces. So, why has Afro Samurai gotten such a bum rap?

First of all, one of the biggest gripes of the game is that all this combo play feels more like a button mash and less like a test of gaming skill. On the contrary, pulling off stylish moves is simply a matter of memorizing the combinations. Certainly anyone can pick up the game and struggle through it by mashing their way to glory, but taking advantage of the advanced moves not only looks cool, it makes things a heck of a lot easier and satisfying. I've got a feeling that the majority of the reviewers out there didn't take the time to familiarize themselves with the game's controls. Studying the combo list with the Back/Select button, I was lopping off heads and getting flushes in Body Part Poker like it was nothin'!

I found the game’s controls to be excellent. Using the face buttons to initiate various kicks and sword combos is industry standard stuff. Players can also enter two different focus modes that allow you to pick body parts to slice clean through or clear out an entire room of unfortunate foes. Also, intricate dash attacks, enemy mounting, the ability to parry and attack, bullet deflection, etc. provide Afro an arsenal of moves that should make all but the most jaded gamers giggle with glee. Before long, I and my play partners hacked our way through the onslaught of enemies like cord wood. It was not only easy and intuitive, but the stylish nature of our killing spree looked like it was taken straight out of Kill Bill. Wading through waves of unprepared minions is hilarious. What’s more, the challenging, highly-stylish boss battles go a long way toward capping off the chapters and moving the story along.

Afro Samurai Game Cheats Xbox 360

On the downside, the game does suffer from rather uninspiring platforming. Often, players will miss jumps and wall runs. Thankfully, dying while platforming is not gravely punished. Players will simply start at the point where the mistake was made. This takes a lot of the frustration out of the often wonky jumping segments, however, I can't help but think the devs were forced to put this instant restart mechanic into the game to make up for the substandard platforming. Also, the branching level design, while interesting and realistic, can be confusing. Luckily, calling up your Ninja Ninja GPS is just a button away.

Some have complained about the camera controls. Indeed, camera issues are perhaps the title’s biggest shortcoming. If you aren’t a Quake player from way back, or can’t seem to retrain your brain, you might struggle. Afro Samurai does allow you to select a standard or inverted camera along the Y axis, but players will not be able to change the X axis. This can be quite frustrating until you become accustomed to this nuance. I found myself using the automatic camera re-centering button via the right stick constantly, and this seemed to eliminate the frustration except during some boss battles. Still, players should never be railroaded into a specific control scheme by an unforgiving developer. I can see how some might want to pass on this title simply for the frustration surrounding the camera issues. Although, if you give up that easily, you’re probably a pussy. Okay…maybe not.

Strategy Guide/Walkthrough/FAQ

Afro Samurai Game Download

Corey Feldman Interview
Number One Headband mode

Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the Number One Headband difficulty.

Treasure Gallery

Successfully complete Story mode to unlock the Treasure Gallery.

Display statistics

While playing the game, press L3 + R3.

Afro Samurai Game Cheats Xbox 360 Games

Defeating Brother 6 (flamethrower)

To defeat Brother 6 with the flamethrower, start by either running a circle around him until he stops shooting fire or hits you with the fire. If he hits you, he will laugh and give you an opportunity to attack. Use the Dashing Slash (Square) to stun him. Next, use the Square(4) combo until he shoves you away. After hitting the ground, immediately use Dashing Slash again. If done fast enough, you will interrupt his attack and stun him. Repeat the combo on him, then repeat the entire process through the rest of the phases.

Defeating Daimyo

You will know that he is about to do a big attack when his weapon sparkles. Time your blocks to parry his attacks. When he is open, use any desired combo until he back flips away. Repeat this until he has been defeated.

Defeating Sword Master

Afro Samurai Xbox 360 Cheats

Time your blocks to parry his attacks and leave him open. You will know that he is going to use a big attack when his weapon begins sparkling. Use any combo until he begins blocking. After you have locked swords with him twice, he will become faster and stronger. Continue to parry him and combo back if you are skilled at timing your moves. Otherwise, Focus Dodge and attack.