My Sunshine Dating Game Cheats

A walkthrough for Lunar Days Sim Date. The goal of a dating sim is to raise your Relationship with characters and after falling in love, to have a happy ending with them. Raising your Relationship can be done by talking to them, giving them gifts and going on dates.

This is a list of cheat codes for Friends of Mineral Town AND More Friends of Mineral Town. This page needs split into two. There is no way for the reader to distinguish between the Gameshark codes of these games. Please use with caution as entering the wrong game's codes can and will corrupt and delete your save files Gameshark codes can be used with a Gameshark system, or on an emulated GBA. Cheats include everything from how to get more money, remove death, improve or change relationships, careers, aspirations and plenty of other options. Once the cheat console is open, you need to enable cheats by typing and entering this code: testingcheats true. Simply type in the cheat code of your choice into the console and hit Enter.

Guide Contents

Karina Carver

Elias Brooks

Fidel Morgan

Raine Quinn

Sky Irving

Money can be earned by working at the Shop and The Bar.

Shops and Items

The Flower Shop
(West Street)
The Shop (East Street)
Glow in the Dark Stars$10
Toy Horse$15
Project Toaster Novel$15
Terry the Toaster Book$20
The Bar (South Street)
Playing Cards$5
Puzzle Cube$25

Gift Guide

Gifts are a great way to increase your Relationship EXP. You can't give gifts to characters right away after meeting them. Talking to characters will increase your Relationship EXP with them. Once you have enough successful dialogues with the character, a message letting you know that you can now give gifts to the character will appear.

LikesPlaying Cards, Toy Horse
LikesTerry the Toaster Book, Harmonica
LikesToy Horse, Glow in the Dark Stars
LikesPuzzle Cube, Project Toaster Novel
LikesPlaying Cards, Rose
LikesProject Toaster Novel, Rose
LikesPuzzle Cube, Harmonica
LikesTerry the Toaster Book, Glow in the Dark Stars

Dates are a great way to increase your Relationship. Like gift giving, you can't go on dates without talking to a character for a while. Once you have enough successful dialogues with the character, a message letting you know that they are your love interest will appear and you will be able to date them.

To have a successful date you will need to raise the Mood to 5/5 and kiss the character. Talk to and give gifts they like to raise the Mood to be full in order to kiss.
Some characters have special cut scenes that play on your first date with them.

How To Unlock Clyde

Have 0 HP and go to The Shop on East Street or The Bar on South Street and work. Forcing yourself to work with 0 HP will trigger a cut scene and you’ll end up at The Hotel. Clyde will then be at The Carousel which is at the west most part of town. The cheat code workingovertime can also be used to unlock Clyde.

How To Unlock Raine

Go to The Shop on East Street or The Bar on South Street and work to earn money. Use this money to buy roses from The Flower Shop on West Street. After buying 4 roses, Aiden will give you a shovel. Go to The Wood past East Street and click on the ground to plant a rose in the soft soil. You will need to plant 12 roses here. Once 12 are planted leave the area and come back to Raine will appear. The cheat code gardeningisforsquares can also be used to unlock Raine.

How To Unlock Veon

On West Street, click on the blue bowl outside of The Flower Shop to find a red marker. Go to the South Outskirts and there will be a drawing of a bird on the ground. Clicking on it will add to the drawing. Then go to an area where you can rest at such as The Hotel or The Hideout and rest there to go to the next day. Return back to the South Outskirts and the stranger has also added to the drawing, click on the drawing again to add another doodle.
Keep repeating these steps, after 5 rounds of exchanging doodles, a cut scene will occur. When Terrance gives you the option to either stay with Elias or to watch over Veon, choose to stay with Veon. After the cutscene ends you will be able to go to the small house in the Farther Outskirts where Veon is. The cheat code effthepolice can also be used to unlock Veon.

How To Unlock Sky

My Sunshine Dating Game Cheats

On East Street, click on the green trashcan on the side of The Shop to find a pencil. Go to Central Plaza and enter The Hotel and talk to Alix and trade your pencil for his paperclip.
Go north to The Station House and talk to Fidel and let him have your paperclip. In return you’ll get a pair of scissors.
Go west to The Flower Shop and talk to Aiden and trade your scissors for his pocket knife.
Go east to The Hideout, talk to Elias and let him have your pocket knife. In return you’ll receive a screwdriver.
Return to East Street and enter The Shop to talk to Xolga. Trade your screwdriver for his magnifying glass.
Go back to The Hideout and talk to Terrance. Let him have your magnifying glass and you’ll get a lint brush.
Go south to The Bar and talk to Mr. Toko and trade your lint brush for his flashlight.
With the flashlight, you’ll be able to enter The Factory in the North Outskirts where Sky is.
The cheat code bartermaster can also be used to unlock Sky.

This game has 17 Endings. Each character has an ending where you stay with them in the Emerald World and live happily ever after and an ending where you reject their feelings and return to your world and meet their counterpart.

When the moon is full you are able to go home but you can say goodbye to characters before you leave. You will be able to move around the town and choose a character to end your game with.
You will get their good ending if you had finished their dialogue and went on at least 1 date with them and choose to stay in the Emerald World, otherwise they will bid you farewell and you will return to your world. If you finished their dialogue and went on at least 1 date with them but choose to go home, the game will end with you meeting their counterpart in your world.

Cheat Codes can be earned by getting the different endings.

  • iwasntplanningtosleepanyway - Infinite HP
  • canipayinchange - +$5000
  • iswearipaidforallofit - +25 of all items, obtain all tools
  • hatersgonnahate - Infinite HP, +$5000, +25 of all items, obtain all tools
  • stealingistoomainstream - Max Relationship with Terrance
  • wafflesdontyoumeancarrots - Max Relationship with Elias
  • letthecatoutofthebag - Max Relationship with Fidel
  • gogoflowerpower - Max Relationship with Aiden
  • whereishistophat - Max Relationship with Clyde
  • ihaveathingfortwintails - Max Relationship with Raine
  • ilikedveonbeforehewascool - Max Relationship with Veon
  • canihaspicturebook - Max Relationship with Sky
  • workingovertime - Unlocks Clyde
  • gardeningisforsquares - Unlocks Raine
  • effthepolice - Unlocks Veon
  • bartermaster - Unlocks Sky
  • simdatinglikeaboss - Max Relationship with all characters, unlock all characters, Infinite HP, +$5000, +25 of all items, obtain all tools

The very first thing you should do is read the manual by clicking inventory in your house(home) and read it. It has useful tips that you'll need~


In game walkthrough(can get by buying it for 500$ from Amy at the beach house):

Location: School

Likes for gifts: Notepad

To get the best ending, you need:

EXP: 500+

Strenght: 1+

Intelligence: 3+

Charm: 3+

Haru is shy and timid, even when around the one he loves most. He tends to have secrets that you must uncover with your words.

Secret Ending Code: shyguysarecute

Correct answers:

-It was actually too long. I missed you!

-Seeing your face already makes my day.

-I'm...Still thinking about my answer.

-That's nice, a diary's a good thing to have.

-Hey, we should join some clubs together!

-Not at all, but I come here just to see you.

-No, it's fine. I'm glad that you told me.

-Don't worry. We can go see them next year.

-You're asking me already? I'm so happy!

-You have to put cream and sugar in it!

-Good for him, but you own other talents.

-Sure! Saving some money never hurts.

-No problem, I'm glad I could help you!

-I'm glad that you actually paid attention.

-Shouldn't this be the other way around?

-I've heard. You think she's cuter than me?

-Wouldn't it be hard to concentrate if we do?

-But...You were stalking me before that.

-Stop running away from your problems.

-It's weird...But a really sweet thought.

-Me too! I've learned so much about you.

-It's fine, just don't push yourself, okay?

-It's fine, I like you. You should know that.

-You can just say that you love me :)


Location: City

Likes for gifts: Game

To get the best ending, you need:

EXP: 500+

Strenght: 3+

Intelligence: 1+

Charm: 3+

Daichi is carefree and not serious. Go with the flow and let your energy do the work. Be cheerful and live life as if there was nothing to lose.

Secret Ending Code: n64isepicwin

Correct answers:

-Great! I kind of missed you though.

-Just messing around. Nothing much.

-Of course, riddles are your trademark!

-Um, eleven?(Alphabet riddle)

-Stock up and buy a new console!

-Can I come watch your next game?

-Comedy is epic win!!

-It's okay, but I come just to hang out.

-Um, seven? (Family riddle)

-Sure, we're buddies! It'll be fun!

-It's the best! I love sunny weather.

-You haven't changed much either!

-Weird...At least it wasn't a nightmare.

-Sure! I'll bring my volleyball!

-That's good. It's just a game after all.

-Y-yeah of was so...clever.

-A lie!

-They're fun, but playing too much is bad.

-Yeah, I did. It was suprisenly interesting!

-Cool! I don't mind us hanging out.

-Mysteries scare me! Don't talk about them.

-But now the game's over. Isn't that sad?

-The same amount as you were orginally.

-But you got to live life! Have fun!

-I know! We're really lucky that we met!

-Well, I'm just glad that I'm me!

-Sure, I don't mind. We'll still have fun.

My Sunshine Dating Game Cheats Roblox

-I don't care. You're you, that's all.

-Yeah! I like you too. You're really fun!


Location: Shrine

Likes for gifts: Sushi

To get the best ending, you need:

EXP: 500+

Strenght: 2+

Intelligence: 3+

Charm: 2+

Kai is passionate yet pratical. Think a little bit more logically when around him. His love is more serious than the others.

My Sunshine Dating Game Cheats

Secret Ending Code: sushiaddict

Correct answers:

-Don't worry, I remember you. You're Kai!

-Your hair...! I can see both of your eyes!

-Don't worry, I'm sure he'll turn up soon.

-Well, it wasn't fun, was okay.

-Being plain and simple isn't a bad thing.

-No, I don't need a reason to come, right?

-Well, stuff...Just my hobbies, y'know?

-It worries me a little, but not too much.

-Really? That's funny, but I feel the same.

-You should think about getting a new dog.

-It's silly to say, but I kind of do...

-You're going to need a lot of money then...

-No problem. I have fun talking with you.

-Do good in college and you'll get there!

-We're just hanging out, okay? Not dating.

-You're unique. That's one thing for sure.

-...And then you stole my first kiss.

-Whatever my dream leads me to.

-It looks pretty typical, but mysterious...

-It's just you! I'm still good ol' me.

-It's alright, it happens to me too...

-No need to tell me now. Take your time.

-I'm sure that I'm not the only one.

-Me too. Seeing you makes me so happy.

-There's no need to thank me.

-Let's go out again, but as a date this time!

-Not at all! I do the same. Don't apologize.

-I hope that you'll always stay close to me.


Location: Gardens

Likes for gifts: Anything

To get the best ending, you need:

EXP: 500+

Strenght: 3+

Intelligence: 3+

Charm: 3+

Sakka is a secret character. You need to buy the key from Mr.Toko who is in the movie theater in order to enter the gardens. (To find Mr.Toko, just move your cursor over the seats in the movie theatre. Also, the key costs 800$, so work either at Antiques or the Cafe to get the right amount.)

My Sunshine Dating Game Cheats Age Of Empires 2

Secret Ending Code: purpleeyes
Correct answers:
-I got the key of course.
-No big reason, I was just curious.
-But...I want to get to know you better.
-Um, I like to look up at the stars at night.
-I want you to go out with me.
-Don't call me annoying! That's rude!
-Yes...I really am, believe or not.
-Are you emo? Cutting is bad, okay?
-You'll eventually fall for me, just watch...
-But me beinmg here makes it not vacant!
-Indeed, and I will keep on doing so...
-Sort of, but I don't think it can control us.
-That's not true. I come here to bug you.
-Then you're saying that you're selfish too.
-But I don't want to! I like you.
-You are too you know...
-Yeah! That's where I do all my shopping!
-Nope, not at all...I'm used to it I guess.
-But there are way more stars than people...
-But I can still keep going if I have HP!
-Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be right?
-Of course. It's naturally terrifying, right?
-What? I'm staring at you? I didn't relize...
-Dude, the world's jammed. Just deal with it.
-If other things means working, then no.
-Yay! Then it makes me first! I'm glad!
-Then it means that you miss me! Yay!
-If that does happen, I'll still remember you.

Cheat Codes:

My Sunshine Dating Game Cheats 4

imhotterthanyou(+3 all stats.)

foureyeslikesme(Allows you to get Harus's best ending at the end of the 30 days.)

amyisgod(Full stats and items, +1000 HP, +$1000)

isueyou(+1000 Money)

imisshisbaseballcap(Allows you to automatically get Daichi's best ending at the end of 30 days.)

dontletmattdrive(+1000 HP)

imhighoffofsushi(Allows you to automatically get Kai's best ending at the end of the 30 days.)

playtimeisover(Automatically ends your 30 days.)

santalovesyou(Gives you all the items.)

ihugemokids(Allows you to automatically get Sakka's best ending at the end of the 30 days.)

theboysaremypawns(Get any guy's best ending automatically at the end of the 30 days.)